Claim Resolution

Written by Lyle Charles

Although many large projects include claim management techniques, there are times where claims can arise. Claims can delay projects even further and cause parties to work through strained relationships. Therefore, it is vital to include a construction claim analysis team to assess your claims. Here are some tips on how to resolve claims in a quick and easy manner.

Negotiation – Negotiation is the first step in resolving a claim. Although sometimes parties will require an outside party like private mediation to assist them, it is still the best way to find an equable solution.

Litigation – If negotiation has failed, the next step will involve a construction lawsuit. Construction cases are often complex and explaining details to a jury can take time. Such cases will be expensive for the company and the parties involved.

Cost estimated for resolution – If negotiation fails, it is important that each party calculates the cost the dispute will incur if carried further. An estimate will let both parties know if pursuing the claim is beneficial.

The main purpose of placing a claim is to resolve a dispute. However, in construction cases, there are many ways to resolve a dispute other than payment. Sometimes contracts will be closed as the dispute has caused an end to the contract. Other times the contract will remain open until the desired outcomes is reached.


Construction is costly without factoring in the costs of litigation, which is becoming more common by the day. According to Lyle Charles Consulting, construction turnaround services can help cut those costs and provide a fair resolution to disputes that commonly arise.